Postdata helps you to organize your API requests with collections. You can create collections and add requests to them to share with your team or to use later. You can also import and export collections from Postdata, OpenAPI, and Postman.

You can access the collections by clicking the “Collections” icon on the side panel.

Creating a new collection

To create a new collection, click on the “Add new” button on the collections section and enter the name of the collection. You can also create a sub-collection by clicking on the “Add new” button on the desired collection and entering the name of the sub-collection.

Save requests to collections

To add a new request to your collection, you can click on the “Save” button on the request page and select the collection you want to add it to. Click on the drop-down menu next to the save button and click on “Save as” to save the request to a new location.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd + S to save the request to a collection.

Organizing collections

You can organize your collections by dragging and dropping them to the desired location. You can also create sub-collections by dragging and dropping a collection into another collection.

Editing collections

To edit a collection, click on the “Edit” button on the collection’s options.

Adding requests to collections

To add a request to a collection, click on the “New request” button on the collection’s options to save the current request to the collection.

Duplicating collections

To duplicate a collection, click on the “Duplicate” button on the collection’s options.

Deleting collections

To delete a collection, click on the “Delete” button on the collection’s options.

Importing and exporting collections

You can import and export collections from Postdata, OpenAPI, and Postman.

Importing collections

To import a collection, click on the “Import” button in the collections section and select the collection type you want to import.

Exporting collections

To export a collection, click on the “Export” button on the collection’s options and select the collection type you want to export.

Collection Properties

Collection properties enable you to define settings that universally apply to all requests within the collection.

Authorization details and headers can be specified at the collection level. Subfolders and individual requests within the collection can either inherit these properties or define their custom authentication and headers.

To set collection properties:

  1. Right-click on a collection or a subfolder within a collection to open its properties.
  2. Specify the authorization and headers that all nested requests or folders should adhere to.
  3. If a subfolder should inherit the properties of a parent collection, specify the authorization as “inherit” and leave the headers.