
Postdata has a built-in REST platform that can be used to execute REST API requests. The REST platform can be accessed by clicking on the REST tab in the menu.

The REST platform has the following features:

  • Request editor - The request editor can be used to write REST API requests. The editor has syntax highlighting and auto-completion support for REST API requests.
  • Collections - The REST platform supports collections. You can save your REST API requests in a collection and execute them later.
  • Variables - The REST client supports variables. You can define variables in the REST API request and pass the values of the variables in the variables section.
  • Headers - The REST platform supports headers. You can add custom headers to the REST API request.
  • Authentication - The REST platform supports authentication. You can add authentication to the REST API request.
  • Pre-request scripts - The REST platform supports pre-request scripts. You can write pre-request scripts to modify the request before it is sent to the server.
  • Tests - The REST platform supports tests. You can write tests to verify the response of the REST API request.
  • Response viewer - The REST platform has a response viewer. You can use the response viewer to view the response of the REST API request.
  • Environments - The REST platform supports environments. You can create multiple environments and switch between them.

Representational State Transfer (REST) API is a software interface that enables two systems to communicate on the Internet. A REST API can do operations like creating, deleting, and modifying data. REST APIs are built on top of the HTTP protocol and have dedicated HTTP methods to perform operations.

REST APIs are stateless, which means that the server does not store any information about the client. This makes REST APIs scalable and easy to maintain.

API Testing

Postdata’s REST API platform provides you with a fast and seamless experience to test and debug your API endpoints.

It’s primarily divided into two sections along with other features to help you build better APIs.


The request section provides you the capability to define your API endpoint and initiate the communication.

You can select from a range of HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT etc. You can read more about HTTP methods in RESTful protocol.

You can also add dynamic behaviors to your requests by specifying Headers, Request Body, Authorization Headers, Parameters, and Pre-request scripts.

Postdata also provides the capability to run Tests on the responses you receive.


This is where you see the responses to your API endpoints. You can download and copy the returned responses for further use.

HTTP Methods

REST APIs use HTTP methods to perform operations. The most common HTTP methods are:

HTTP MethodUsage
GETRetrieve information about the REST API resource
POSTCreate a REST API resource
PUTUpdate a REST API resource
DELETEDelete a REST API resource or related component

Other methods like HEAD, CONNECT, OPTIONS, TRACE, PATCH and other CUSTOM methods can also be used.

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP status codes are used to indicate the status of the HTTP request. The most common HTTP status codes are:

Status CodeDescription
204No Content
400Bad Request
404Not Found
405Method Not Allowed
500Internal Server Error

Other status codes like 301, 302, 304, 307, 308, and other 5XX codes can also be used.

Other features

The REST API platform also houses other features like: